Scoring System
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The test for Pre-Ecolier 1 & 2 (Grade-1 & 2) and Ecolier-1 & 2 (Grade-3 & 4) is of 90 minute duration and contains 24 questions with 8 questions per section & five options for each question. These are grouped equally under three levels of increasing difficulty. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer; there will be no penalty for skipping a question. The first-round perfect scorer will appear in the Final round of competition. As per the level of difficulty, the following points are awarded:
Easy: 3 points for each correct answer.
Medium: 4 points for each correct answer.
Hard: 5 points for each correct answer.
Maximum Score: 96 points.
The test for Benjamin – 1 & 2 (Grade - 5 & 6), Cadet- 1 & 2 (Grade - 7 & 8), Junior -1 & 2 (Grade - 9 & 10), and Student (Grade 11 & 12) is of 90 minutes duration and contains 30 questions with 10 questions per section & five options for each question. These are grouped equally under three levels of increasing difficulty. One mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer; there will be no penalty for skipping a question. The first-round perfect scorer will appear in the Final round of competition. As per the level of difficulty, the following points are awarded:
Easy: 3 points for each correct answer.
Medium: 4 points for each correct answer.
Hard: 5 points for each correct answer.
Maximum Score: 120 points.
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